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SMB auto-mount

Mounting SMB automatically on a Unix system is not-so-forward, navigating posts from stackoverflow and forums will most likely result in trying out old and deprecated solutions.

Here are my experiences with mounting samba shares:

  • cifs is the newer implementation for the smb proctocol in the kernel. The older smbfs is deprecated, without any maintainers and is only available due to backwards compability.
  • Credentials for cifs basically requires a plaintext file containing username= and password= which is referenced during mount, which is truly horrifying security wise.
    • Creating a file at /root/.smbcredentials with chmod 0600 permissions is as secure as it gets.
    • If you got a better alternative, please reach out.
  • Kerberos does not look like a sane solution for single-users.
  • autofs is deprecated and superseeded by the systemd module remote-fs.
  • Be careful mounting remote locations in /etc/stab, as they will not work when you are not in your local network. In worst case, it will make your computer panic during boot.
  • Follow principle of least privilege, create a seperate user on the smb server with access to only the folders that you are going to mount.

Here is a example of a line I use in /etc/fstab

//  /mnt/nas/media  cifs  _netdev,vers=3,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.idle-timeout=15min,rw,dir_mode=0775,file_mode=0664,iocharset=utf8,uid=fredrick,gid=users,credentials=/root/.smbcredentials 0 0

Breakdown of the flags used:

Flag Description
_netdev wait for networking service to start before attempting this mount
vers=3 use SMBv3.0 protocol version and above
x-systemd.automount establish remote connection to share and mount only when local directory is accessed
x-systemd.idle-timeout=15min unmount share if the local directory has not been accessed for over x minutes
rw enable read-write access on remote share
dir_mode=0775 default directory permission
file_mode=0664 default file permission
iocharset=utf8 allows access to files with names in non-English languages
uid=fredrick makes the user owner of the mounted share
gid=users makes the group owner of the mounted share
credentials=/root/.smbcredentials path to credentials file which contains lines with username= and password=, can be stored in home dir, recommend permission 600 on file for security.

This requires a credentials file stored in /root containing your smb credentials

sudo tee /root/.smbcredentials > /dev/null <<EOT

Set the permission to 0600 so that only root can access it

sudo chmod 0600 /root/.smbcredentials

To reload entries in /etc/fstab, run the following command

sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart

We don't need to use mount -a, as systemd will automatically mount the remote folder when you access the local folder, the command will work, but systemd will unmount the folder when the idle-timeout for the share is activated.

You should now be able to see the files from the remote share in the local folder you specified in /etc/fstab, such as navigating to /mnt/nas/media in the example above.


The following command will monitor kernel logs, where CIFS errors should be present

dmesg -w

Errors here can be a bit cryptic. I found out that error -13 can be a indicator for a credentials file misconfiguration,.

After making changes to /etc/fstab or the credentials file, restart the systemd component for remote-fs

sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart

If all is well, dmesg should output the following

[   35.934212] Key type dns_resolver registered
[   36.015220] Key type cifs.spnego registered
[   36.015231] Key type cifs.idmap registered
[   36.015848] CIFS: Attempting to mount \\\media

Last update: February 24, 2023